
We are a South Carolina not-for-profit corporation led by elected volunteers.

The board of directors is guided by our bylaws, covenants, and SC Not-for-Profit Law, and operates with scheduled board meetings open to our members.

Annual Meetings

Annual meetings provide members with a report on the activities, accomplishments, and financial results for the previous year and expectations for the next year


Important Election Dates

Application Deadline

August 1, 2024

Candidate Interviews

August 2024

Candidates Announced

August 31, 2024

Applications By Petition

October 1, 2024

Meet The Candidates

October 16, 2024 5:00-6:00PM

Ballot Deadline

December 1, 2024

Ballots sent to Members

November 2024

Election Candiates For 2025-2027 Term

Lori Wellinghoff



The Sea Pines POA holds Board Member elections every year so that our property owner members can choose who will represent you. Our board is comprised of 9 members. Each member is elected for a 3-year term. And each member may run for a second 3-year term if they wish. This rhythm of our board cycle means we elect 3 new board members every year. Our board is all volunteer and all are Sea Pines property owners.

Sea Pines POA 2024 Nominating Committee Members
  • Keith Burns – Committee Chair
  • Laura DeLong
A candidate may be nominated by a Member if:
  • the nomination is supported by a petition naming the person to be nominated who must be an Owner, spouse of an Owner, a beneficiary of a trust that is an Owner, or an owner of an interest in an entity that is an Owner;
  • the petition bears the names, original written signatures, phone numbers and addresses of at least fifty (50) Members;
  • the petitioner establishes that the candidate is eligible to be a Director and is ready, willing and able to serve; and
  • the petition reaches the Nominating Committee by October 3 prior to the election. Proposed candidates shall be responsible for the integrity of their petitions. Petitions may be audited for compliance with petition requirements. Petitions without valid Sea Pines POA Member original signatures may be ruled invalid and may be disqualified by a two-thirds vote of the Board.

Click here to request a petition template.

Election Application

You can complete this form online or download and complete at your leisure. Please return the downloaded and completed form to 8 Cardinal Road, Suite D, HHI, SC 29926 or email to by August 1st.

In addition to those nominated by the Nominating Committee of Sea Pines POA, persons may be nominated by petition.

The following requirements of the petition process are:

  • Petition to be signed by 50 valid Sea Pines POA Members in good standing.
  • The candidate has to be willing and able to serve.
  • Sea Pines POA By-laws require the petition to reach said Nominating Committee by October 3rd.

AnchorWork Group Definitions

Sea Pines POA Board Work Group Descriptions:


The 4 Sea Pines POA board officers will meet, as necessary, to review the strategic direction of the organization and review emerging community issues which arise between board meetings.


Develop processes and mechanisms to share information and knowledge with Members and, when appropriate, the Sea Pines residential property owner community at large.

Community Events & Engagement

Organize and facilitate social, educational and community building activities for the benefit of Members and, when appropriate, the entire Sea Pines residential property owner community. Develop processes and mechanisms to engage with Members to better understand their concerns and priorities.


Interact with, bring together and maintain strong working relationships with other community organizations and groups that have an impact on the quality of life for residential property owners in Sea Pines.


Establish and activate a growth plan to increase the Sea Pines residential property owner membership in the Sea Pines POA. Develop and disseminate a Welcome Packet to all new Sea Pines property owners which outlines the important elements of Sea Pines governance and community engagement.

Legal & Third Party Oversight

Identify emerging and pending issues under consideration by the Town, County, State, CSA, ARB, Resort and other commercial interests that might impact Sea Pines or otherwise be of interest to residential property owners in our community at large. As necessary, communicate these issues along with the board’s point-of-view to Members.

Business Operations, Finance & Technology

Ensure Members have ready and highly functional access to all the benefits and resources the Sea Pines POA offers, including its website and member management system/directory. Ensure Sea Pines POA resources are wisely managed and that sufficient resources are available to accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization.


Identify and invite Members with the skills, energy, and enthusiasm to be candidates for the Sea Pines POA board of directors. Assist all Sea Pines POA work groups in attracting Members to join work groups focused on our quality of life priorities.


To volunteer for a Work Group, please fill out the volunteer form.

Volunteer >>

AnchorSea Pines POA Past Presidents

Paula Scanlon


Charles Miner

2015 - 2019

Michael Jordan


Rob Marsac

2012 - 2013

Mike Hellman


Don Carlson

2007 - 2010

David Williams

2005 - 2006

Kay Morton

2003 - 2004

Joseph Fletcher

2001 - 2002

John Fraser III

1997 - 2000

James Cobey

1991 - 1996

Edward Gibbons


Howard Blair

1989 – 1990

Howard Smith


John Swartout


Prentiss Haworth

1985 - 1986

Richard Clark


Edward Kusel

1982 - 1983

Donald Bennett

1979 - 1982

William Stephens

1973 - 1979