Join Sea Pines POA

As a Sea Pines Property owner you can help ensure this community continues to offer a quality of living that we have all come to enjoy.

Once you’re a member of Sea Pines POA you will be part of a team that carries out important responsibilities and activities on behalf of the Sea Pines Property Owners. Your ideas and actions will be in an effort to protect, maintain, and enhance our Sea Pines Plantation for all who live here.

Sea Pines POA is funded solely through our membership. To be a member, you must own a residential lot or family dwelling unit within Sea Pines and pay the annual dues which have been $50.00 or less for the past 48 years.  Payment of dues entitles you to vote as an Sea Pines POA member.  Membership includes voting at the Annual Meeting, any special votes, and also voting for the Board of Directors. Upon application and payment of the applicable dues, any Owner shall become a Member.

Please fill out the form below, and then your payment using a credit or debit card. Sea Pines POA operates on a calendar year and dues are currently $50 annually.


While Sea Pines POA is the only nonprofit association, validated by the Sea Pines Covenants, and dedicated exclusively to advocating for and protecting property owner rights and privileges, membership is voluntary.

Registration Form

Sea Pines Address

Mailing Address